Makin' a Move - Michelle Humes Live
How do we grow our business, but still build wealth and get a piece of the pie that’s not dependent on us working more hours… that is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. Michelle interviews not just some of the top names in the real estate business, but many people who are succeeding in their respective careers. Success breeds success. The best life to live is a life by strategy. Not by your next transaction.
Makin' a Move - Michelle Humes Live
Never let them tell you 'no' with Brandon Brittingham!
Michelle Humes
Brandon Brittingham is the CEO of the largest real estate team in Maryland!
When people scoff at your plans it's because they could never concieve themselves doing that. This can actually fuel you do not only complete that plan, but to grow further than you thought. It's this idea that has fueled Brandon for years to become "number one" in many areas of life with many businesses.
Want to fly on a private jet? "Oh you can't do that." they say. "Just watch me." says Brandon.