Makin' a Move - Michelle Humes Live
How do we grow our business, but still build wealth and get a piece of the pie that’s not dependent on us working more hours… that is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. Michelle interviews not just some of the top names in the real estate business, but many people who are succeeding in their respective careers. Success breeds success. The best life to live is a life by strategy. Not by your next transaction.
Makin' a Move - Michelle Humes Live
Growing your EXP team fast!
Michelle Humes
Michelle speaks to thousands at a recent EXP event about her history, her mindset behind growing a real estate team as well as giving practical tips on hiring staff and attracting the right people as you grow your team. Michelle began working in real estate in 2016. Now in 2021 she has a team of 35 agents and 12 staff, poised to grow to 80-100 agents in the next two years. Recorded Jan. 2021.
#michellehumes #michellehumesgroup #michellehumeslive
#exp #exprealty #expteam
#momtreprenuer #smallbusiness
#realestate #realestatelife #georgia
#sales #skillset